The Red Unknowns: Bright Infrared Extragalactic Survey, RUBIES, is a Cycle 2 program (PIs: A. de Graaff & G. Brammer) with JWST/NIRSpec targeting sources in the UDS and EGS fields. RUBIES is designed to study bright and very red sources discovered from public JWST/NIRCam imaging (primarily PRIMER and CEERS).

In total, RUBIES observes approximately 300 very red sources (F150W-F444W>2), providing the first statistical sample of these rare objects in the early Universe. With a novel observing strategy, we are able to place these sources in the context of the broader high-redshift galaxy population. We observe roughly 4500 sources in total, sampling the full parent population in a well-quantified way. RUBIES is among the largest spectroscopic programs performed with JWST so far, both in number of targets and spectroscopic survey area (150 arcmin2). A complete description of RUBIES can be found in our survey overview paper.